Women and Food

Yogic teachings suggest that women should eat carefully and lightly in order to maintain their emotional and physical balance and well-being. In general, a woman should have two meals a day and two light drinks a day. The first drink begins at breakfast. The first meal can be about four hours later; it should be the largest meal of the day. "Eat to your delight" is the motto at this mid-day meal. But when you are full, stop!

Falling to Earth

By Deg Ajeet Kaur (Janet Howard)

I keep it moving. Get it done. Onto the next thing. In Kundalini Yoga and meditation, I'm learning the power of stillness. In stillness, the message finds us. The path is revealed. It doesn't feel natural to me. I want to search for, run to and push through for the answers, for the path, for the next thing in my journey. I'm impatient. But lately, it isn't working.

Compassionate Reconciliation in our Kundalini Yoga Teachers Communities

Dear Kundalini Yoga Teachers,

We know that 2020 and this year have been very challenging. As teachers we have been confronted not only with a pandemic, but also a need to face and process allegations of abuse by Yogi Bhajan. For many, this has meant a deep personal and collective process--a quest for truth, answers, and meaning that requires soul searching, profound thought, and dialogue. This process is ongoing and will probably require years to heal.

A Yogic Model of Grief Recovery as the Integration of Change

By Dr. Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa and Dr. Sat-Kaur Khalsa

We are in a time where many of us are experiencing multiple losses: Our daily life as we have known it due to a potentially fatal disease, serious questions about our teacher whether one believes those questions or not, learning about our children’s experience with schooling in India, exposing racial injustices, and other personal losses we may experience during this tumultuous time. Because of these losses, we are individually and collectively experiencing deep and profound grief.

Naad Yoga & How Mantra Works

In addition to the term 'mantra,' you will also hear the word Naad in connection with Kundalini Yoga mantras. Naad means "the essence of all sound." It is a particular vibration, a fundamental frequency that comes from one common source or sound current. It is the universal code behind language and therefore behind human communication.

Naad is the glue or medium that connects the little me, the individual, to the Big Me, the Universal Self. It is the vibrational harmony through which the Infinite can be experienced.

10 Ways to Keep your Liver Happy

By Siri Kirin/Kathe Forrest

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, spring is the season of the liver. Imagine spring as a sort of "awakening" for the liver--a time when it becomes more active, working hard to clean out a winter's worth of congestion. It's a good time to give it some extra support.

Your liver works hard to keep metabolic processes running smoothly and your body free of harmful toxins. Take some time this spring to give it a little extra love and support.

10 ways you can keep your liver happy every day:

Kundalini Yoga and the Stress Response

By Dr. Shanti Shanti Kaur

The simplest description for stress I have ever heard is from Hans Selye, the Canadian physician, who first borrowed the word from engineering and applied it to a physiological process he observed in his patients. He described stress as simply the body's adaptation to change. It is how we respond whenever an internal or external event occurs.

Kundalini Yoga for Disabilities

By Vladislav Loginov, Estonia

My main students are teenagers, kids, and youth with physical and psychological disabilities and their parents. I teach at the studio and on-line. Young people with disabilities who practice Kundalini Yoga regularly over the years show excellent results in their development.

One of them is Matvey Smirnov www.beu-fund.com/matvey-smirnov Matvey has been practicing Kundalini Yoga for 2.5 years. He is 17 now. He was diagnosed with Down's syndrome.
