by Shiv Charan Singh

First comes the inner revolution - in the human heart

Then follows the just consequence in the outer world

The floods of death, mix with floods of life, to become an ocean of compassion

May not one single soul (child) be denied and left abandoned

Another cycle of the Earth around the Sun. Another year passes, and a new one enters. A repeating cycle between light and dark, life and death, expansion and contraction. A seed grows a forest and the forest delivers the seed again. And yet, each year, something is left behind while each coming year brings new possibilities. Even the changing numbers that we appoint to each passing year speak of, and influence, the mood of the collective consciousness. The abstract nature of numbers allows them a pervasive ability to permeate our lives. As life itself runs parallel to the metaphysical domain, and plays its own part in the unfolding of human destiny.

Not fully aware of the significance of their own consciousness on determining outcomes, people want prophesies rather than take responsibility. It seems that humanity overall is becoming increasingly lethargic and subjected to the forces of algorithms that are not of their own making. 2024 has the potential to be a very decisive year. Will people collectively decide by default to remain passively subject to the controlling forces of the collective mind? Or else the wind of awakening will build into a storm that shakes the earth and the sky sufficiently enough to blow out the fires of rage and revenge. To free us from unseen forces of control. So we may rediscover and reclaim the capacity of truly free choice.

The sleeping person wakes, only when hit on the head by a heavy club. (SGGS p/ang 1418 M3)

Inspired by a tribal phrase ‘‘we do not sing ‘about’ the mountain or ‘to’ the mountain – we sing the mountain’’. Here I sing the numbers. Or rather I let the numbers sing their own song.

The numbers that speak out for the year of 2024 are 4 [in 24], 6 [2+4 = 6], and 8 [2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8]. All even numbers 4, 6, and 8 [let’s include also the 2, occurring twice in 2024] are considered as feminine numbers. So 2024 is a year for the collective feminine voice to make itself known.

Readers are referred to the 2022 text ‘A Mutational Moment’ to be found on the website here. Especially the either/or quality of the 4 and expression of the struggle between fear and faith, which comes with the 6. These are themes which come even more to the forefront in 2024.

Through much of 2023 many people have asked, or even demanded, when will it stop. How much more loss of life, how much more suffering, how much more trauma, how much more pain, anguish and fear must we bear and be witness to? But the Goddess of war is strong, with large appetite.

The pain of the saint and the wound of the warrior bleed with compassion for the world.

Is our prayer not strong enough, not collective enough?

Is our faith weak, lacking in conviction?

Are we too numbed by the shocks?
It is not time to be careless. It is time to take responsibility.

Not a year to live in hope but to decide with clarity.

Otherwise circumstances choose for us, which is a default position that we later regret.

May we be blessed with that gentle confrontation that would stop the conflict.

If we do not awaken within ourselves then there shall be no awakening in the world around us.

This text is written in the absolute conviction and trust that truth does prevail. As expressed in the mantra:

'Sat Sri Akaal’ – Truth is Great and Undying

Nothing can destroy the truth. It is just a matter of time before the truth imposes itself upon our consciousness.

All lies shall be destroyed and all secrets shall be revealed.

Only the nucleus of our inner spirit can hold us steady during the storms ahead.

Truth belongs to the numbers 4 and 6.

I am 4

I am the bud of awakening

The nucleus of your heart

The source of your pain and your love

Your internal barometer of reality

The compass of truth in your ribcage

The touchstone of consciousness

The inner voice of your soul The cup that receives the spirit

Until it is full and overflowing I am 4

Like a bud I hold the seeds of mystical intelligence

I am the initiation of awareness

The cave into which you withdraw

When life seems too much to bear

The storehouse of your traumas

Your memories of betrayal

I am 4

I bring you the blessing of confusion

So you may converge reality within yourself

I am the source of your curiosity

The sense of possibilities and opportunities

I am 4

The wound of your accumulated experiences

I hold your child, your soul

In embryonic embrace

Until it gathers momentum

I prepare you for second birth

That of your authentic being

I am 4

I initiate the contractions

I am the moment

Of the pains of your labour

I am 4

It is in me that you deposit your doubts

and struggle with your dilemmas

Yet it is also here where trust begins

I am your prayer I serve your human becoming

I am 4

It is in me that decisions are crystalised

I call you to choose your original self

I am the gratitude that births generosity

The commitment to truth

The beginning of love unconditional

I am 4

Now speaks the 6

I am the midwife of the spirit

It is me that unlocks your cage

And opens you to the world

I bear the shock as I equally shock

Naked, exposed and raw

I am 6

Beauty that stuns

Clarity that surprises

Explosions of awareness

I am 6

Through me you face the future

Through me you are confronted

With the greater reality

I am 6

I turn you to the future

I bring intuition

I am the loud silence

That screams you awake

I am 6

I am the fear and the faith

That battle for your soul’s allegiance

I am the grace that brings you into conflict

Until you confront your worst fears

I am the faith to make that possible

I am 6

Fear is not to be feared

Faith is not to be blind

I hold you back with worries

I drive you forward to take the leap

I am the storm that compels your becoming

I am 6

The inescapable sword of justice

Here and hereafter

I am all the consequences

You have yet to meet

The sharp clarity

That shakes you out of hypnosis

The unavoidable moment

That does not wait for you to be ready

I am 6

The urgent alarm bell

Ringing in front of you

Calling you to breathe more fully

If you take me for granted

Then the fight you refuse to face

Will become a war in your chest

I am your lungs and the pores of your skin

I offer freedom

From the prison of your limiting and false beliefs

I am 6

I provide the intuition

So you do not enter the confrontation too soon

Nor delay when the moment is ripe

I am 6

We are 4 and 6

Together we are a totality

Awakening the bud of inner truth

To serve the blossoming of awareness

Consciousness is a perpetual dynamic flowering

We are the breath of consciousness

The breath of the living God

We are the 4 and the 6

We are the love of God and fear of God

Two sides of one golden coin

So love may not be naïve

And fear awakens rather than paralyses

We are 4 and 6

Together we are the axis of freedom

The spirit of awakened humanity

A gentle shock and a shocking gentleness

The quantum dimension of mutation

We are 4 and 6

The bud and the flower as one

We deliver the future

We challenge the dogmas

We break through the walls of the mind’s illusions

The inner touch and the air we breathe are one

We bring presence to truth

And the truth to the present

We are 4 and 6

We are the remembering

The perpetual re-collecting of your spirit

We make it possible

To know you in me

And to know me in you

We are the fusion and fission

The nucleus and the explosive light

The inner pressure and the bursting open

We are 4 and 6

We embrace your heart

In the truth of love

To pierce your mind

With the love of truth

We are the daylight of your spirit

In the dark night of your soul

We are 4 and 6

The Saint and the Warrior

We show both cheeks

We confront the moment

With truth and clarity

We are the moment of confrontation

We are the prayer and the response

The choice and the consequence

We hold the universe in perpetual movement

From the nucleus of inner stillness

We are 4 and 6

We call you to stop and be in the moment

So that the moment can be with you

We are 4 and 6

I am the 8

I am the infinite ocean

Of immeasurable depth

I am the timeless time

Beyond the time

I give you limited time

I am the infinite 8

I am the life beyond the life

All are born through me

All die through me

I eliminate to illuminate

I am 8 Known as force and power

The prana, the chi, the flow

Used and abused

To create and destroy
Many try to control me

But I outlive them all

I am the eternal 8

The energy that heals

The great purifier

The Tsunami

That breaks down all temporary structures

The waves that throws your garbage back ashore

I am 8

The compassionate mother

That fills hearts till overflowing

That takes away the suffering

Sometimes through death

The coming and the going

The rivers and the rain

I am 8

I am not here for myself

I am the force within symbiosis

I maintain the interconnectedness

Of all to all Seen and unseen

I am 8

My pure nature is to connect

To relate the polarities

Though I have been used to separate

Coloured with the poison of polarisation

My infinite depth beyond time and space

Shall outlive these shallow games

Time belongs to me

Without me none exist

All swim in my ocean

To flourish or drown

I am 8

Compassion without condition

Compassion for all

At times brutal as a hurricane

Then gentle as the morning dew

I am 8

I hold the balance of power sexual, sensual, sensitive and spiritual

I am 8

I am Kali with large appetite

The goddess with 8 arms

Holding the objects of war and peace

Of suffering and healing

I am 8

The grandmother wisdom

I balance the economy

I am the abundance of Prosperity

Through me

Empty becomes full

And full becomes empty

I am the mother of the Greater Earth

And the very Earth itself

I am 8

I bring the floods of passion, emotion and compassion

It is you that must learn to swim

I am 8

Take care of the home of your heart. There are thieves that would come and squat in that place.

There are others that would steal the jewels of inner knowing from deep within you.

When these thieves enter your innermost domain then you become a thief yourself.

Keep your mind awake and aware now, O Sibling of Destiny.
You were careless, and you have wasted your life; your home is being plundered by
thieves. ||1||Pause||(SGGS 339-11 kabIr jI)

Through the 4 to the 6

Love, gratitude, prayer, trust, devotion, commitment, truthfulness and service.
If we refuse these qualities then we will have doubt and confusion at a very basic level.

It means there is a danger of bypassing the heart; leaving it in a cold state of apathy and paralysis. 

The truly neutral state of being needs to be stimulated and awoken.
The best focus of the trust is towards your own soul.

Have Gratitude for your very existence. It will bring prosperity.

Prayer is the language of the small quiet voice inside – this year it wants to speak, and its prayer is for peace.

Service gets you out of your own block, out of your own black hole; beyond your small self.

Honesty is first about letting the spirit within love you, and then giving and receiving love between all.

Love is a neutral base from where spontaneous responsiveness is natural.

To awake means to be in love. Love all, welcome all, embrace all, serve all.

When the inner heart’s bud of awakening comes under enough internal pressure then it bursts open.

To awake within means to love your true nature, which is love itself.

To love your true nature means to recognise it in all.

To recognise the true nature of all beings means to know the love that is hidden behind the pain.

Awakening the bud of inner truth leads to a blossoming of awareness.

Consciousness is a perpetual dynamic flowering.

There are environments, contexts, circumstances and company within which we fall into the hypnosis of Maya.

There are settings within which we have a chance to awake and remember our true and original nature.

Vigilance is required if we would wish to be awake.

First we learn to choose the company of consciousness. Then we become that company for others.

Those who are committed to Truth remain awake and aware night and day. They are honoured in the True (Divine) Court. ||1|(SGGS ang/p 110 M3)

And the 6

Freedom and responsibility, justice and conflict, secrets and exposure, arts and beauty, romance and fear, faith and fate, danger of crisis or grace of opportunity.

- The silence, the secrets and the screams of the oppressed

- Stop, just stop ! To be, just be !

- The music and songs of those that never give up

- Conflict in relation to freedom and justice

- Intensifying conflict over resources and lands, or land being made free and available

- Face your own injustices before confronting injustice in the world

- Confront you inner conflict so you may confront the conflict in the world.

- Eco-warriors arise once more; will they fight 'for a future' or merely 'against the system'

- Surprises and a sense of urgency; ecological as well as for and from women

- Surprise the world around you or you will be in for a surprise

- Sense of responsibility driven by fear or informed faith

- Nuclear: unfolding of creative expression

- Personal expression of the art of the heart

- Collective expressions of carelessness or a shared sense of responsibility

- Spiritual awakening - grounded in clarity, or nothing but a dream

- Greater random/rogue acts of terror

- Peace through fear and fear of peace, or peace through faith and faith in peace

- Random surprise acts of altruism

- Dance your fear till it brings peace on earth

- Continuous tendency to think in terms of tragedy, crisis and disaster actually brings the calamity.

- Or develop the ability to transform the movement of the moment into opportunity and possibility.

About 8

This means energy: usually in the forms of power, money and sex. In subtle forms such as prana and compassion. As well as material forms such as food and water.
Associated themes are: empowerment or disempowerment, free or expensive energy, true authority or abuse of authority, healing, purity, compassion, abundance, flow and infinite connection. It is a struggle between the abuse of power, when you think it is your own, or using the flow of infinite power to empower others.
All this can take the mood of abundance of compassion or drowning in the hunger for power. Naturally this will depend on our individual and collective attitude and consciousness.
The overall mood of 8 is the drive for a balance of forces. This relates to a natural instinct to find harmony which, when related to 8 and 6, assumes the expression of economic and medical, justice. While the disharmony would imply a widening of the gap to the extent of unbearable crisis. For example, opposing forces in politics paralyse countries or people may learn to communicate and co-operate to serve the greater whole.

The collective consciousness is ideally a combination of appropriate fear and of a sense of responsibility. This influences global negotiations on matters of power struggles, abuse of power and the continued efforts to silence communities who strive for self-empowerment and self-expression.
Global waves of economic, and health, shocks get bigger and hit harder.
Such high tension, on the global scale, is a recipe for groups of people to dare to take a stand and risk
their life for a better world.

The Spider’s Web

We cannot leave the exploration here without including a contemplation on beings related to the 8. Spiders, Octopus’, and associated feminine deities [such as Gaitri, Durga, Neith, Arachne]. For this occasion let’s focus on the spider and its web. You may contemplate upon the others in your own time.

Spiders have a strong relation to the 8. In addition to their 8 legs they also have 8 eyes, and can weave 8 types of silk. Then there is the fractal nature of their web. They can see into the ultra-violet range of the spectrum; beyond the limited spectrum that the magnetic/mind field imposes upon us. Also interesting is the relation to the healing power of the 8. Spider webs have traditionally been used to cover wounds as they contain anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. The web is strong enough to trap, conceal and protect, but also imprison. Yet equally transparent, fragile and weak – so easily broken by us.

In spiritual wisdom the 8 is represented through the Pranic Body and the web of 72,000 Nadis through which our life force [prana/chi/energy] flows. It is a highly sensitive network of energy lines with countless intersections of connection; like meridian points. Our brains also contain web-like structures regulating synaptic connections. We are each a microcosm of the macrocosm. Therefore this network of lines [strings] and intersecting points is equally a universal phenomenon. There is nothing you can do that will not be detectable by many other layers of the web. Any change in your inner web can be felt by and effect the entire web around you. Any change in the wider web can be felt by you and effect a change within you. This was always the case on a subtle level. Now the multi-dimensional web of the world, even the entire Cosmos is becoming increasingly manifest. It is downloading, materialising, through the mind field into the social and material levels of our lives. Which makes it more possible to intervene, interfere, and attempt to control the flow, as well as control access to the flow.

There has been a battle to control this flow for thousands of years. The flow itself is simply pure energy, like the flow of electricity. The network is made of channels and conductors which convey and filter the flow of information. Each individual is a collection of points of intersection. Controlling the flow becomes a way of controlling the individual. Control implies regulation of its intensity, power, volume, quality, and content, amongst other things. Modern technology makes it possible to control these channels at a distance rather than through material presence.

It is more efficient in expenditure of time, energy and money. Furthermore controls can be exercised without the hand that controls being seen and known. It is possible for me to monitor and regulate items in my house from a distance. In the same way it is equally possible for other, unknown person, to control my life, my mind, from a distance. The quality and extent of the management of the web, which some might call the matrix, is infiltrating into every area of our lives.

Those which previously seemed to be separate realms, domains, compartments, of our lives are now showing themselves in their interwoven nature. We are locked into a multi-media web of surveillance, tracking and monitoring. The more we watch, the more we are watched. In the name of protection we are equally imprisoned. Supported by satellites, 5 G, data collection, algorithms, digital software and hardware, along with social media applications, and so on, that all serve to support our availability and vulnerability to manipulation.

Our shopping habits, financial status, medical records, political views, religious affiliation, entertainment choices, media behaviour, travel routines and modes, etc, are all more overtly and evidently tied together. As a result, our freedom to surf the web, to move freely in the world, and act freely in the different domains, is increasingly dependent on the decisions made by those who control the channels. If we do not play by certain rules in one area of the web then we find ourselves restricted in other areas of the web.

Like how the spider weaves its web, one thread at a time without hardly being noticed until the veil is fully established, we have become completely enmeshed.

Moments of clarity - 6

6 provides the sword with which to get through the web. Although 6 is a lesser number than 8, being contained within it, none the less it holds a secret. Through the 6, the Arc-Line in spiritual yogic wisdom, there is a way to pierce through the matrix web of the 8. 6 is associated with our intuition, our frontal lobe, neo-cortex, pituitary gland. It is the 6th sense, our 3rd eye, capacity to pre-sense. Developed through long and deep practice of meditation. Transforming fear into vigilance. Panic into presence. Anxiety into alertness. With intense and regular practice we can learn to enter the gaps of the web.

This requires liberating oneself from attachments, false sense of safety, expectations, hopes, prejudices, opinions, and all the subtext that goes with it. Meaning, let these things die, along with the temporary identity that holds them in place. It requires overcoming the fear of death, and to use the fear state to empower oneself into the present presence When we stop focusing on the content we see and stop being busy with the processes we experience. (Note: the intersection points are the content, the pixels, and the threads are the sensations). Then there will be moments of clarity. There is an intelligence far greater than the web. If there was no background, essential, prior, infrastructure then there would be nothing upon which to form the web.

The energetic oceanic dimension of the 8 acts like a mirror to the narcissistic nature of the ego. The sharp awakening clarity of the 6 can render the ego’s projection transparent. In this way we can decode the movie that appears before us, go beyond the mirror, the veil of Maya, the mind field, and read the subtle and primary level of the information. see the unseen, know the unknown, hear the unheard, so as to speak the unspeakable.

On the question of self:

There is no I in the sense that the ego identity is false through its temporary nature. Yet there is I - a self in the making. It is not the destination, nor just the quality of the journey, but what you are becoming that counts. Shame is a substitute for humility. A relative measure of self instead of an absolute measure. Pride, also a relative measure, is a substitute for dignity; dignity comes from alignment to eternal principles. Maya is not an illusion, it produces illusion through corruption of our senses.

One who contemplates the essence of reality remains awake and aware.
they kill their self-conceit, and do not kill anyone else. ||3|| SGGS ang/p1128 M3

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