Serving those who serve with benefits and community to expand and grow as a teacher.
GET INSPIREDWITH EXCLUSIVE IKYTA COACHINGIKYTA’s new coaching program offers inspiring content that takes you beyond the Level I training program. Learn what isn’t in your textbook, experience teachings that expand your skills and knowledge with expert teachers from around the world. |
Supporting teachers in their growth and evolution. New graduates get free membership for the first year!
TEACHINGS FOR TEACHERSEXCLUSIVE IKYTA TEACHINGSTeachings for Teachers is a monthly video series for IKYTA members that brings trainers, experts, and teachers together to deepen their study on topics related to the teaching of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.®. |
Supporting teachers in their growth and evolution. New graduates get free membership for the first year!
Exclusive Discounts
Retail, Trainings and Events
Get discounts on manuals, music, clothing, health foods, yoga mats, trainings, events and more from Spirit Voyage, KRI The Source, 3HO Solstice Sadhana...