START A NKYTABuild Your National AssociationAre the teachers in your community ready to build your National Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association (NKYTA)? Download the document below for more information on how to start a NKYTA.
DOWNLOAD | NKYTA MEETINGSJoin a Monthly Leaders MeetingIf you are a NKYTA leader, we welcome your participation each month at the virtual meeting of NKYTA leaders from around the world. Download the document below for more information.
NYKTA AGREEMENTsGuidelines and PrinciplesThe intention of a National Kundalini Yoga Teacher Association (NKYTA) is to create collaboration and unity with all of the KRI-certified Kundalini Yoga Teachers in their country.
DOWNLOAD | IKYTA ORGANIZATIONAL PRINCIPLESPrincipals for Creating CommunityPrincipals on creating nuturing enviornments in our global community.