The 16 Facets of Perfection of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher

By Yogi Bhajan

1. A Teacher will never alter the teachings because of personal opinion. You will teach by example.

2. The higher you grow as a Teacher, the more humble you have to be.

3. The Teacher always serves the students, so they can become ten times stronger than you, because every student is a Teacher for tomorrow.

4. A Teacher has to be extremely kind, caring, compassionate, and forgiving.

5. As a Teacher you should always poke, provoke, confront, and elevate your students to excellence.

Making Sense in an Age of Change

By Devjot Singh

Yogi Bhajan’s messages about the Aquarian Age may have been difficult to contextualise before now. We can forgive ourselves perhaps for hearing his teachings simply as an inspirational metaphor supporting personal commitment to a spiritual path.

We may have felt confirmed in our preferences and justified in any stance against war, hunger, and a myriad of social injustices. But now that times have changed, perhaps we had better look again at what the Master was telling us and what will be asked of Aquarian Teachers.

The 16 Facets of Perfection of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher

By Yogi Bhajan

1. A Teacher will never alter the teachings because of personal opinion. You will teach by example.

2. The higher you grow as a Teacher, the more humble you have to be.

3. The Teacher always serves the students, so they can become ten times stronger than you, because every student is a Teacher for tomorrow.

4. A Teacher has to be extremely kind, caring, compassionate, and forgiving.

5. As a Teacher you should always poke, provoke, confront, and elevate your students to excellence.

A Letter to New Teachers

Sat Nam New Kundalini Yoga Teachers, 

“I’m not a man, I’m not a woman, I’m not myself, I’m a teacher.” The Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan proclaimed this one Solstice. I don’t even remember how long ago it was because I have heard him say it so many times over the years. At first, when I thought about it, I came to the conclusion that he meant that a teacher must first consciously and honestly put aside his/her ego when acting in the capacity of a teacher. I liked it. It’s was a good rule.