The Aquarian Teacher: A Consciousness of Hope

By Pritpal Kaur

This past weekend was a typical weekend for me. I was traveling to teach in a Level 1 Aquarian Teacher program. What was unusual were the circumstances of my travel. I was flying from Albuquerque to Chicago where an usual Arctic storm was bringing temperatures of 50 degrees below zero Fahrenheit and wind and snow to the area. After many hours of delays, I arrived in Chicago 9 hours later than expected.

We went to the Chilean Yoga Festival!

by Guruka Kaur

This year was the seventh annual Yoga Festival in Chile. For the last two years the festival has been attended by about 350 people from all over South America: Venezuela, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Boliva, Ecuador, Peru, and Columbia, and Mexico and as far away as Spain! This year the Chilean Yoga Festival joined 3HO Foundation International in using the same theme—the First Sutra of the Aquarian Age: Reconoce que el otro eres tu - Recognize the other person is you!

