The SSSC has announced an Independent Healing and Reparations Program. For more information click here.

Kundalini Yoga and the Stress Response

By Dr. Shanti Shanti Kaur

The simplest description for stress I have ever heard is from Hans Selye, the Canadian physician, who first borrowed the word from engineering and applied it to a physiological process he observed in his patients. He described stress as simply the body's adaptation to change. It is how we respond whenever an internal or external event occurs.

Kundalini Yoga for Disabilities

By Vladislav Loginov, Estonia

My main students are teenagers, kids, and youth with physical and psychological disabilities and their parents. I teach at the studio and on-line. Young people with disabilities who practice Kundalini Yoga regularly over the years show excellent results in their development.

One of them is Matvey Smirnov Matvey has been practicing Kundalini Yoga for 2.5 years. He is 17 now. He was diagnosed with Down's syndrome.

Overcoming Cold Depression

By Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa, based on the teachings of Yogi Bhajan

Cold Depression is our single biggest challenge as we enter the Aquarian Age. It affects vitality of spirit and leads us to behave in ways we would not otherwise. Yogi Bhajan, the Master of Kundalini Yoga, cautioned us that as we transition into the Aquarian Age, that is, through 2038, humanity would suffer from a phenomenon he called Cold Depression.

What is Cold Depression?

The Eight Major Chakras

The Lower Triangle

The first three chakras deal with the physical needs of the body and the basic needs of life. They focus on elimination and reduction.

First Chakra: Security and Survival
Foundation, survival, security, habit, self-acceptance.
Location: End of the spine between the anus and sexual organs.
Organ/Gland: Organs of elimination (e.g., colon).
Color, Element: Red, Earth.
Yoga Exercises: Crow Pose, Chair Pose, Body Drops,Frog Pose, Front Stretches, Lying on Stomach, Root Lock.

Mandhavani Kriya: Mantra to Clear Blocks

Mandhavani Kriya: Mantra to Clear Blocks

The practice of this meditation, even briefly, locates you in your heart, opens your perception, and lets you immediately recognize the way forward. Mandhavani means being in the presence of intelligence, beauty, and profound caring. It is a state of joy. It’s when you’re so happy that you feel the hand and grace of God accompany each breath and effort. In that state all victory is yours and there is no victory to win but to conquer your own heart.

The 16 Facets of Perfection of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher

By Yogi Bhajan

1. A Teacher will never alter the teachings because of personal opinion. You will teach by example.

2. The higher you grow as a Teacher, the more humble you have to be.

3. The Teacher always serves the students, so they can become ten times stronger than you, because every student is a Teacher for tomorrow.

4. A Teacher has to be extremely kind, caring, compassionate, and forgiving.

5. As a Teacher you should always poke, provoke, confront, and elevate your students to excellence.

Making Sense in an Age of Change

By Devjot Singh

Yogi Bhajan’s messages about the Aquarian Age may have been difficult to contextualise before now. We can forgive ourselves perhaps for hearing his teachings simply as an inspirational metaphor supporting personal commitment to a spiritual path.

We may have felt confirmed in our preferences and justified in any stance against war, hunger, and a myriad of social injustices. But now that times have changed, perhaps we had better look again at what the Master was telling us and what will be asked of Aquarian Teachers.
