Meditation to Experience the Essence of a Teacher

Meditation to Experience the Essence of a Teacher
Taught by Yogi Bhajan on 4/22/97

“I have given you the words of Nanak, which define the essence of a Spiritual Teacher. It's not a commercial thing, it is real. And the key to that, joining into that, is the mantra, Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo. That is the mantra, that's a key to the essence of that shabad, Gurdev Mata."

Mudra: Place the palms flat together at the heart center in Prayer Pose.

Eyes: Closed.

The Secret of Prosperity

By Guruka Singh

We live in a difficult age. There is constant distraction. In our 21st century culture of acquisition and consumerism, television, movies, newspapers, magazines, and books constantly fill our mind with stimulating images. Our minds constantly fantasize, and we spend much of our time living in our fantasies.

The most basic teaching of Raj Yoga is that the mind makes a powerful servant, but it makes a lousy master. When we let our mind roam free, it takes us wherever it wishes to go—and there's always someplace interesting to go!

Keeping Up: Within You is All that You Need

 By Sat Purkh Kaur Khalsa

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” 

I was never one to make a list of New Year’s resolutions—but sometimes one is just compelled to; so I would end up generating something like a list. But I would wait until January 6th or 7th, just to take some of the pressure off! In my experience, when I created resolutions that were to begin on the 1st, I had usually broken them by the 3rd—exasperating and not a little self-defeating!

Meditation to Experience the Essence of a Teacher

Taught by Yogi Bhajan on 4/22/97

“I have given you the words of Nanak, which define the essence of a Spiritual Teacher. It's not a commercial thing, it is real. And the key to that, joining into that, is the mantra, Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo. That is the mantra, that's a key to the essence of that shabad, Gurdev Mata."

Mudra: Place the palms flat together at the heart center in Prayer Pose.

Eyes: Closed.


Understanding Breath of Fire

Kundalini Yoga teachers often get drilled on the relation between Breath of Fire and hyperventilation. In this video I explain why Breath of Fire is not hyperventilation, and it also the physiology of hyperventilation and what it really is.

Pranayama will induce sensations that may be new for students, but these experiences need not be feared. We are adventuring into realms of consciousness expanded beyond the everyday. And any fear sensations themselves can be observed and that awareness be utilized to transform this Vata energy into pure Prana.
