Preet Mandhir Kaur

Preet Mandhir Kaur
Wilmington, NC
United States

Preet Mandhir Kaur is a KRI-certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher residing in Wilmington, NC. Utilizing the science of Kundalini Yoga and application of yogic principles to one's own life, Preet Mandhir assists others in discovering their true identity, self-love and divine healing capabilities. Her classes are gentle yet challenging, and each class offers an opportunity to increase self-awareness, become more present, as well as enhance vitality, radiance, and joy. Preet Mandhir has a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design and has enjoyed for over twenty years assisting her clients to design and implement thoughtful and meaningful interior environments.

For the latest class offerings, please visit


Durham, NC, United States
Wilmington, NC, United States
Wilmington, NC, United States

Teacher Certification

Level 1