Profile Picture: 
Siri Gopal Singh (Norbert Lakatos)

Stress was consuming my life. I was depressed, unmotivated and I had developed scoliosis. My life was falling apart and I didn't know what to do. Thankfully, yoga came into my life and in 2012 I made the decision to leave school and rehabilitate myself by enrolling in a Hatha Yoga Teacher Training program. The transition saved my life. Yoga gave me the sense of peace and stillness within myself that I had long forgotten exists. Before long my search led me to Kundalini Yoga and after my first class I knew I had found the teachings that I had been searching for. In 2015 I completed my level 1 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training course and I am beyond excited to shares these powerful techniques with others.

For more information on classes and events please visit my website:

Sat Nam

Languages You Speak: 
Burlington, ON L7M2X6
Addiction, Business, Children, Disabled, Elderly, Health Practitioners, Mantras & Naad, Meditation, Men, Mental Health, Prisons, Sikh Dharma, Women
Level 1