Profile Picture: 
Dr. ShamRang Khalsa

Dr. ShamRang Singh Khalsa, M.D., provides models for individual and group healing through a revolutionary merging of Ayurvedic and allopathic medicine, eastern and western science. Dr. ShamRang’s process utilizes meditation with a strong focus on helping people open to their own self-healing. Over forty years ago, his deep interest in yoga, energy work, the healing power of foods, and the human auric field brought him serendipitously to find the path of Kundalini yoga and meditation as a student of Yogi Bhajan. He has completed training in Ayurveda and Japanese acupuncture. With an M.I.T. undergraduate degree in nutritional science, then medical school, residency in Internal Medicine, and more than 30-year practice of Emergency Medicine, Dr. ShamRang has been able to integrate western medical practice and family life with an impeccable 2-4 hour daily spiritual practice of over 4 decades. Dr. Sham Rang is available for private consultations, workshops and speaking engagements.

Dr. ShamRang's healing process is called: Radiant Self, Digesting Life back into Light and Love. Life serves us a steady diet of experiences in the form of events, relationships, repetitive thinking, and physical sensations. Some of what shows up on our plate seems to go down easily, but others not so well. Poorly digested experience, like poorly digested food, leaves a toxic residue that limits our ability to stay in presence and fully appreciate each moment. We can learn to strengthen our life’s digestive fire to more effectively extract and absorb that which is nutritive to our souls and eliminate that which just serves as a carrier for the experience. If toxic residue is not converted back into energy, it can get stored long-term in physical form. We also can learn to digest these areas of blockage, utilizing yoga and meditation. Suffering falls away as our birthright of joy and love naturally re-emerges.

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151 Acorn St.
Millis, MA 02054
United States
508 254-5089
508 376-4776
Health Practitioners, Meditation
Level 1
Level 2
Trainer Designations
Level 1: Professional, 21 Stages of Meditation: Professional