Profile Picture: 
Didar Kaur ( Barb Whitfield)

Didar is an Professional Teacher Trainer with the KRI Aquarian Academy and has been blessed to be able to assist, teach and mentor people from all walks of life to become Kundalini Yoga teachers throughout Australia. Didar has been on her yoga path for over 38 years and has been teaching Kundalini Yoga for over a decade. She is a highly accredited health, wellness & breath specialist who specialises in chronic health wellness and has over 30 years teaching experience. Didar is a Level 1 & 2 Kundalini Yoga practitioner, Conscious Pregnancy teacher and Radiant Child yoga teacher. Didar believes that everyone can do Kundalini Yoga and meditation to improve their wellness, be the best that they can be today and fulfill their destiny. She regularly leads workshops and retreats to share and spread the teachings. She is very passionate about helping people help themselves and has raised over $10 000 each year for the past couple of years to assist the Homeless Women’s shelter in her local community. She is also the loving Caretaker of Mackay Kundalini Yoga Healing Centre and Kundalini Books Australia NZ.

Languages You Speak: 
19 Palmer st,
Nth Mackay QLD 4740
07 49546539
Addiction, Children, Disabled, Elderly, Health Practitioners, Mantras & Naad, Meditation, Mental Health, Pre & Postnatal, Women
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Trainer Designations
Level 1: Lead, Level 2: Lead, 21 Stages of Meditation: Lead