A dynamic shift is taking place in the role of Feminine Consciousness. It is our time to empower and step into our role as leaders in this Aquarian Age. Gathering in a Sacred Circle of Women is one of the most powerful ways that women can heal, excel and empower. In each circle we use the technology of Kundalini Yoga, authentic group dialogue, Yogi Bhajan’s wisdom for women and effective core release work to heal and awaken our creative power. Together, we illuminate a new way forward. This light we generate will energize and empower our families, our communities, and women around the world. Join us for an experience of the power of the Sacred Circle and to learn how you can share this amazing gift with others.
Pritpal Kaur Khalsa has been a teacher of Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and spiritual awareness for over 30 years. Her passion for assisting others on their road to excellence and fulfillment and her wealth of experience as a teacher, healer and mentor bring a depth of joy and wisdom to her workshops, classes and Spiritual Coaching practice. She is the creator of the transformational program, Excel and Celebrate, A Sacred Circle of Women; a Personal and Professional Spiritual Coach, Sat Nam Rasayan Yogic Healer, Pilates Instructor and Lead Trainer of Kundalini Yoga and an E-RYT 500 with Yoga Alliance. Pritpal lives in New Mexico with her husband Pritpal Singh.