The SSSC has announced an Independent Healing and Reparations Program. For more information click here.

If you were not here in Espanola, New Mexico, for the for the Summer Solstice Celebration we definitely missed you.

We had a powerful Teachers Conference under the Tantric Shelter this year. Our main teachers were Guru Singh, Shakta Kaur, Guru Dev Kaur and Guruka Kaur. This

year’s focus was on Humility—one of The Eight Elements of Excellence.

Teachers spoke and wrote about what they envision for themselves as a teacher. IKYTA asked people to share their thoughts on “I love to teach Kundalini Yoga because…” on a large canvas mural. People could write on this throughout their day. It was prominent, colorful, beautiful, true and inspiring.

Guru Singh led us in the kriya for the Self Sensory Human which gave us a great rhythm for the day. He also led us in a meditation to discover the doer. Shakta and Gurudev Kaur led the professional development and marketing presentation in small groups.  This was followed by “I am who I am” Celestial Communications lead by Guruparkash Kaur, acompanied by Guru Singh.

We also loved honoring Teachers that give extra time and energy for their students and inspire

others.  This year we honored Guru Nam Kaur (Monterrey, Mexico), Hari Kaur (NYC), Krishna Kaur (Yoga for Youth), Sangeet Kaur (Phoenix), Savak Singh (Phoenix), Anne Novak (Connecticut), Sat Dharam Kaur (Ontario, Canada), Hari Dass Kaur (Los Angeles).Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan is a true gift in this life. It’s wonderful to have a global community of Kundalini Yoga Teachers.

We hope you can join us at the Winter Solstice Teachers Conference in December.

Thank you for your service in being a Teacher!

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